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If you are wrongly put on depression and bipolar medication what are the effects?

6th September 2011

If you are wrongly put on depression and bipolar medication what are the effects?

posted in Chat & Forums |

I know a girl and shes been put on depression medication and bipolar medication. Ive known her for a long time and I can assure you she has neither. Id say the only thing wrong with her is teen angst. She went to the doctor and said shed been sad so they put her on loads of medication that she doesnt need they didnt even do a test her doctor just said Oh drugs will surely fix this.

Since the meds have nothing to fix can they hurt her in the long run?
But this is what Im saying She didnt NEED any medication. There really isnt anything wrong with her. She didnt fill out any sort of form she just told the doctor she had some blues so he put her on pills.

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  1. 1 On September 6th, 2011, Pippin goes WB for a 5pt major 7 months said:

    When a patient goes to a doctor for symptoms of depression etc. they typically fill out a lengthy questionnaire about their lifestyle eating and drinking habits and other medications they take. This also includes questions about mood energy levels and overall satisfaction of life.

    The problem could be that a different medication is needed. Not all prescription medications for depression etc. will work effectively for everyone. Sometimes it takes several different meds before finding the one thats right and effective. It sounds like this girl is suffering from the ill effects of the wrong kind of medication. She should go back to her doctor and discuss a possible change of medication.

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